Education Technology

Logiciels, mises à jour et Apps

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Voyage™ 200 Operating System 3.10
Cabri Géomètre™ (v 2.04) pour TI-92 Plus/Voyage™ 200 2.04
Cabri Language Localization 2.02
Calculus Made Easy for TI-92 and Voyage™ 200
Calculus Tools App for the Voyage™ 200 and TI-92 Plus 1.00
CellSheet™ App for the TI-92/Voyage™ 200 1.20
Chinese Help App for the Voyage™ 200 and TI-92 Plus 1.01
EE*Pro® pour TI-92 Plus/Voyage™ 200 1.10
Equation Writer for TI-92 and Voyage™ 200 1.10
Finance App for Voyage™ 200 and TI-92 Plus 1.11
ME Pro® App pour TI-92 Plus/Voyage™ 200 1.01
NoteFolio™ for TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 1.00
Organizer App pour TI-92 Plus et Voyage™ 200 1.01
Polynomial Root Finder App for the TI-92 Plus/Voyage™ 200 1.00
SimCalc MathWorlds™ for TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 0.24b
Simultaneous Equation Solver App for the Voyage™ 200 and TI-92 Plus 1.00
Statistics with List Editor App for the TI-92/Voyage 200™ 1.03
Statistics with List Editor Language Localization 1.01
StudyCards™ for TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 1.00
Symbolic Math Guide App pour TI-92 Plus/Voyage™ 200 2.00
The Geometer´s Sketchpad® pour TI-92 Plus et Voyage™ 200 1.05
TI-92 Plus OS Language Localization 3.10
Voyage™ 200 OS Language localization 3.10