Education Technology

TI Codes Contest top-rated projects

Check out videos posted by the teams whose entries earned the acclaim of Texas Instruments (TI) contest judges.

For 2020, teams were given the following challenge:

Design a product that automates or optimises a process or product related to food, then use coding and TI technology to build a model of the solution.

View the contest rules

Grand prize winner: Saline Soldiers

Melbourne High School, VIC

Meet the finalists

Second place:
Farmers Improved
Melbourne High School, VIC

Third place:
St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School, VIC

Suzanne Cory High School, VIC

So indóme mát- your anta
Mount Waverley Secondary College, VIC

2022 TI Codes Contest

The second annual contest is underway. Check it out!

Go to 2022