Education Technology

Software, OS Updates and Apps

TI-84 Plus CE Python OS & Apps Bundle

At TI, we are constantly working on ways to improve our products for the classroom. Beginning with the 5.6 OS update in fall 2020, we have removed a system-level programming capability called ASM. In addition to strengthening product security, we believe this update helps students better focus on learning math, science and STEM. After you update the operating system on a TI-84 Plus CE or TI-84 Plus CE Python graphing calculator, you will not be able to downgrade.

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TI-84 Plus CE OS and Apps Bundle 5.8.2 1,211
Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus CE Python Graphing Calculator (English) View: View 5.8 1,759
TI-84 Plus CE Python Calculatrice graphique Manuel d'utilisation (Français) View: View 5.8 1,505
Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus CE Python Graphing Calculator (UK English) View: View 5.7 1,363
开始使用 TI-84 Plus CE Python 绘图计算器 (简体) (Simplified Chinese) View: 5.8 1,665
TI-84 Plus CE Python 繪圖計算機入門 (繁体) (Traditional Chinese) View: 5.8 1,551