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3.10 registerFilter


This routine registers a table of handler functions that can filter events before they are sent to the
2D editor widget, or unregisters if nil is passed.

Returns the text editor object.

The handlerTable is a table of event handler functions. Any event described in the section on
Event Handling can be filtered by a function in the handler table.

In the example code below, if the user presses Tab in the text editor ed, the tabKey filter function moves the focus to text editor ed2. Events charIn and arrowKey simply report which key was pressed and then allow the event to pass on through to the text editor.

Listing 3.4: Example for D2Editor:registerFilter()

-- Create an editor 
ed = D2Editor.newRichText()

-- Register filters for events
ed:registerFilter {
   tabKey = function()
        return true
  charIn = function(ch)
        return false
   arrowKey = function(key)         print(key)
        return false

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'