Measuring and Transforming Geometric Objects

Measuring Objects

1. Tap Tools , select Measurement, and select the type of measurement, such as Length. (In the Graphs application, go to Geometry > Measurement> Length.)
2. Tap the object you want to measure.

Measurement Type

Use to Measure...


Length of a segment, circle arc, or vector
Distance Between Two Points, a Point and a Line, or a Point and a Circle
Circumference of a Circle or Ellipse or the Perimeter of a Polygon, Rectangle, or Triangle
A side of a triangle, rectangle, or polygon. You must tap two points to measure a side. Tapping the side measures the entire length of the object's perimeter.


Area of a Circle, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle, or Triangle


Slope of a Line, Ray, Segment, or Vector


Angles in the range from 0° to 180° (0 radians to π radians in the Graphs application)

Directed Angle

Directed angles in the range from 0° to 360° (0 radians to 2π radians) and from -360° to 0° (-2π radians to 0 radians).

Transforming Objects

1. Tap Tools , select Transformation, and select the type of transformation, such as Symmetry. (In the Graphs application, go to Geometry > Transformation > Symmetry.)
2. Tap the object you want to transform.
3. Tap a location, existing point, or other object to create the transformation.