What's New

What's New in Python App

TI-84 Plus CE Python

Python Programming

Access the Python App from [prgm] when the Python App is loaded. Python App is also listed in [2nd] [apps].
- Stay up to date at education.ti.com/84ceupdate.
- Find details for the Python App in the Python Programming guide at education.ti.com/eguide.
Quick paste of import statements for Add-On modules. Add-On modules are available in Python activities posted on education.ti.com.
New ti_draw and ti_image Add-On modules load with the CE Bundle.
- Draw and use images in your Python programs.
ti_system module menu now contains the wait_key() method for ease of use.
ti_hub and ti_rover modules contain the latest TI-Innovator™ Hub sketch v 1.5 support.
- Data Collection - collect multiple data samples in a single command
- Compound Statements to synchronize multiple outputs
- TI-RGB Array - control multiple LEDs
- Sound - use single command to play repeated beeps
- Ranger - return "time of flight"

Transferring Python Programs

When transferring Python programs from a non-TI platform to a TI platform OR from one TI product to another:

Python programs that use core language features and standard libs (math, random etc.) can be ported without changes.
Note: List length limit is 100 elements.
Programs that use platform-specific libraries - matplotlib (for PC),
ti_plotlib/ti_system/ti_hub/etc. for TI platforms, will require edits before they will run on a different platform.

This may be true even between TI platforms.

For more information about the new and updated functionality, go to education.ti.com/84ceupdate.