Education Technology

Software, Aplicaciones y Sistema Operativo

Cabri™ Jr. App

Now you can add a new dimension to your students’ learning experience with Cabri Jr., interactive geometry for your calculator.

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Cabri Jr 2.00 146 4
Software relacionado
Cabri Jr. Localization: German 2.00 1 4
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Cabri Jr. Localization: French 2.00 1 4
Cabri Jr. Localization: Italian 2.00 1 4
Cabri Jr. Localization: United Kingdom 2.00 1 4
Cabri Jr. Localization: Portuguese (Brasil) 2.00 1
Cabri Jr. Localization: Portuguese 2.00 1
Cabri Jr. guidebook for TI-83 Plus / TI-84 Plus (English) Ver 309

Resumen de los beneficios

Preloaded on the TI-84 Plus Family!

Now you can add a new dimension to your students’ learning experience with Cabri Jr., interactive geometry for your calculator. Create excitement in the classroom as you construct, analyze, and transform mathematical models and geometric diagrams with this brand-new Calculator Software Application (App).

Explore the cutting-edge technology developed for TI by CabriLog with renowned French mathematician Jean-Marie Laborde. Just take a look at what Cabri Jr. can do:


  • Perform analytic, transformational and Euclidean geometric functions 
  • Build geometric constructions interactively with points, a set of points for locus, lines, polygons, circles, and other basic geometric objects 
  • Alter geometric objects on the fly to see patterns, make conjectures, and draw conclusions -- and, you'll get a more intuitive and highly interactive interface
  • Import and export figures to and from your calculator and PC using the new Cabri Geometry™ II Plus software for Windows®