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Inferential Statistics

You can explore hypothesis tests and probability distributions in the Data & Statistics application after entering the data on a Lists & Spreadsheet page.

Drawing Inferential Statistics Plots

The following example uses the Draw option of the normCdf() function to plot a distribution model.

1. On a Lists & Spreadsheet page, select the column-formula cell (second cell from the top) in column A.
2. From the Statistics menu, click Distributions, and click Normal Cdf.

3. Type the plot parameters into the Normal Cdf wizard.
4. Select the Draw check box to see the distribution plotted and shaded in Data & Statistics.

Note: The Draw option is not available for all distributions.

5. Click OK.

Exploring Inferential Statistics Plots

After drawing the plot in the previous example, you can explore the effect of changing the upper bound.

On the Data & Statistics plot, drag the vertical line that represents the upper bound toward the left or right.

As you drag, the formula is updated and the shaded area is recalculated.


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