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What You Must Know

Typing a Cell Reference in a Formula


Absolute references include the $ symbol before the column letter and before the row number, and always refer to the cell in a specific position in the spreadsheet. Relative references include only the cell’s column letter and row number, and describe where a cell is in relation to other cells of the spreadsheet.

1. Double-tap the cell, and type the formula.
2. Move to the appropriate position in the formula, and type the cell reference.

Use the format for a relative reference (B3), absolute reference ($B$2), or range of cells (A1:A4).

Linking a Cell Value to a Variable


1. In a Lists & Spreadsheet page, tap the cell that you want to link to a variable, and then tap the cell again to open the context menu.
2. Tap Link, and then tap the name of the variable to insert it into the cell.
Linking a Column to a Variable


1. Tap the column formula cell (the second cell from the top) that you want to link to a variable.
2. Type the name of the list variable that you want to link to, and then tap return.

Note: To view a list of available variables, tap var on the TI‑Nspire™ Keyboard.


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