Working with the Emulated Handheld
To input data and work with files on the emulator, you can use the computer keyboard, TI-SmartView™ keypad, TI-Nspire™ menus and icons, or any combination of these.
Note: Within one command, you cannot use a combination of both the keypad and the keyboard. For example, you cannot press Ctrl on the keyboard and click b on the emulator to open a context menu.
For the most part, you can perform any function in the TI-SmartView™ emulator that you can perform on the handheld. Keys and applications operate the same way.
Note: If you switch to Computer mode, you can still use most of the keys on the emulated handheld or keypad and all keystrokes are reflected in the workspace. However, some key combinations may only work in Handheld mode.
As you click keys on the emulator or press keys on the keyboard that activate keys on the emulator, those keys change color, making it easy for your audience to follow along. The last key selected stays highlighted.
In the teacher software, the emulator screen and the side screen are both interactive. You can click on icons and menu items on both screens. You can also right-click to display menus on both screens.
All handheld shortcuts and arrow functionality work from the computer keyboard. For example, to save a document, you can click / S on the emulator keypad or you can press Ctrl + S on the computer keyboard. When using a Mac®, press “ + S.