Choosing Display Options

In the teacher software, use this option to choose how to display the emulator in the software window.

1. In the emulator panel, click .
Click File > Settings > TI-SmartView™ Options.
2. Select one of the following options:
Handheld Only. Displays the emulated handheld and hides the workspace and other panels.

Note: To keep the Handheld Only display in front of other application windows, click Always in Front at the top right of the TI-SmartView™ panel.

Keypad + SideScreen. Opens a larger view of the keypad along with the side screen.
Handheld + SideScreen. Opens the entire emulated handheld along with the side screen.

Changing the Faceplate

To select a faceplate option:

1. In the emulator panel, click to open the menu.
Click File > Settings > TI-SmartView™ Options.
2. Select one of the following options:

Changing the Width of the TI-SmartView™ Panel

To change the width of the TI-SmartView™ emulator panel:

Click the right edge of the panel and drag it until it is the width you want.

Changing the Size of the Screen in the Workspace

When in handheld mode, use the Scale to change the size of the screen.

Drag the slider to the appropriate scale percentage. The scale slider is located on the far right side of the status bar, at the bottom of the TI-Nspire™ window. Scale percentages range from 100% to 200%. The default scale is 150%.

Note: If computer mode is selected, you cannot change the size of the workspace.