Using the Home Screen

The Home screen provides a starting point for all activities performed on a handheld:

Opening the scratchpad for quick calculations and graphing
Creating new documents
Opening and managing existing documents
Defining settings and viewing status
Viewing hints for operating the handheld
Accessing recent documents
Returning to the current document

Note: Press c to toggle between the Home screen and the current document.

Home Screen Options

Menu Option



Use the Scratchpad menu options to open a Calculator or Graph application without affecting your document.

While in Scratchpad, press » to toggle between Scratchpad applications: Calculate and Graph.


Opens the Scratchpad with a Calculator application active. From the Home screen, type A.


Opens the Scratchpad with a Graph application active. From the Home screen, type B.


To select options for working with documents, press the associated number or use the Touchpad to select an icon then press x or ·.


Opens a new TI-Nspire™ document with available applications listed.


Opens the file browser where you can open existing TI-Nspire™ documents or send files to others.


Lists the five most recently saved documents.


Goes to the document that is currently open.


Check the status of the handheld and change settings.

Application icons

To add a new page to the current document, select an application icon. If no document is open, a new document opens with the selected application on a new page.


Adds a page to a document for entering and evaluating math expressions.


Adds a page for graphing and exploring functions.


Adds a page for creating and exploring geometric shapes.

Lists & Spreadsheet

Adds a page for working with data in tables.

Data & Statistics

Adds a page and provides tools used to visualize sets of data in different types of plots and provides tools for manipulating data sets to explore relationships between the sets of data.


Provides text editing functions for adding text to TI-Nspire™ documents for use as notes or to share with other users.

Vernier DataQuest™

Adds a page for collecting and analyzing data from sensors or probes.

To learn more about applications and documents, see Working with Documents on TI-Nspire™ Handhelds.