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Suspends execution for a period of timeInSeconds seconds. Wait is particularly useful in a program that needs a brief delay to allow requested data to become available. The argument timeInSeconds must be an expression that simplifies to a decimal value in the range 0 through 100. The command rounds this value up to the nearest 0.1 seconds. To cancel a
Note: You can use the Wait command within a user-defined program but not within a function. |
To wait 4 seconds: Wait 4
To wait 1/2 second: Wait 0.5
To wait 1.3 seconds using the variable seccount: seccount:=1.3
This example switches a green LED on for 0.5 seconds and then switches it off. Send "SET GREEN 1 ON" |
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Evaluates expression Expr1, returns the result, and stores the codes of any generated warnings in the StatusVar list variable. If no warnings are generated, this function assigns StatusVar an empty list. Expr1 can be any valid TI‑Nspire™ or TI‑Nspire™ CAS math expression. You cannot use a command or assignment as Expr1. StatusVar must be a valid variable name. For a list of warning codes and associated messages, see here. |
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when(Condition, trueResult [, falseResult][, unknownResult]) ⇒ expression Returns trueResult, falseResult, or unknownResult, depending on whether Condition is true, false, or unknown. Returns the input if there are too few arguments to specify the appropriate result. |
Omit both falseResult and unknownResult to make an expression defined only in the region where Condition is true. |
Use an undef falseResult to define an expression that graphs only on an interval. |
when() is helpful for defining recursive functions. |
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While Condition Executes the statements in Block as long as Condition is true. Block can be either a single statement or a sequence of statements separated with the “:” character. Note for entering the example: For instructions on entering multi-line program and function definitions, refer to the Calculator section of your product guidebook. |