Built-ins Menu
Item |
Description |
def function(): |
Defines a function dependent on specified variables. |
return |
Defines the value produced by a function. |
Item |
Description |
if.. |
Conditional statement. |
if..else.. |
Conditional statement. |
if..elif..else.. |
Conditional statement. |
for index in range(size): |
Iterates over a range. |
for index in range(start,stop): |
Iterates over a range. |
for index in range(start,stop,step): |
Iterates over a range. |
for index in list: |
Iterates over list elements. |
while.. |
Executes statements in a code block until a condition evaluates to False. |
elif: |
Conditional statement. |
else: |
Conditional statement. |
Item |
Description |
x=y |
Sets variable value. |
x==y |
Pastes equal to (==) comparison operator. |
x!=y |
Pastes not equal to (!=) comparison operator. |
x>y |
Pastes greater than (>) comparison operator. |
x>=y |
Pastes greater than or equal to (>=) comparison operator. |
x<y |
Pastes less than (<) comparison operator. |
x<=y |
Pastes less than or equal to (<=) comparison operator. |
and |
Pastes and (and) logical operator. |
or |
Pastes or (or) logical operator. |
not |
Pastes not (not) logical operator. |
True |
Pastes True Boolean value. |
False |
Pastes False Boolean value. |
Item |
Description |
[] |
Pastes brackets ([]). |
list() |
Converts sequence into "list" type. |
len() |
Returns number of elements of the list. |
max() |
Returns maximum value in the list. |
min() |
Returns minimum value in the list. |
.append() |
The method appends an element to a list. |
.remove() |
The method removes the first instance of an element from a list. |
range(start,stop,step) |
Returns a set of numbers. |
for index in range(start,stop,step) |
Used to iterate over a range. |
.insert() |
The method adds an element at the specified position. |
.split() |
The method returns a list with elements separated by specified delimiter. |
sum() |
Returns sum of the elements of a list. |
sorted() |
Returns a sorted list. |
.sort() |
The method sorts a list in place. |
Item |
Description |
int() |
Returns an integer part. |
float() |
Returns a float value. |
round(x,ndigits) |
Returns a floating point number rounded to the specified number of digits. |
str() |
Returns a string. |
complex() |
Returns a complex number. |
type() |
Returns the type of the object. |
Item |
Description |
print() |
Displays argument as string. |
input() |
Prompts user for input. |
eval() |
Evaluates an expression represented as a string. |
.format() |
The method formats the specified string. |