Math Library
For further details, please follow this link to the “Mathematical Functions” section in the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual. The following functions are defined inside the math table. Infinite and undefined results will convert to the appropriate TI-Nspire™ representations and cooperate with the TI-Nspire™ math extensions. The reverse conversion of string representation (infinite and undefined) to numerical representation is not supported.
abs |
acos |
asin |
atan |
atan2 |
ceil |
cos |
cosh |
deg |
exp |
floor |
fmod |
frexp |
huge |
ldexp |
log |
log10 |
max |
min |
modf |
pi |
pow |
rad |
random |
randomseed |
sin |
sinh |
sqrt |
tan |
tanh |