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20.5.2 setValueUpdateListener

characteristic:setValueUpdateListener(callback [, object])

Sets or removes the value-update listener callback for read and notification updates. To remove the callback, use nil as callback parameter. Once the listener callback is called the result can be retrieved via getValue(). This function can be called at any time to update the value update listener callback for a discovered characteristic.





in function

The callback is called once the characteristic value is ready to be retrieved via the getValue() function


in any (optional)

If a callback is provided, optionally an object can be specified which will be passed as the first parameter to the specified callback function. The object can be of any type except nil.

Callback Function

callback([object,] characteristic [, error])

The callback function informs when the characteristic value is ready to be retrieved via the getValue() function. The callback should not be used to initiate another read for the same characteristic.





in any (optional)

If an object was provided as a parameter to the function setValueUpdateListener, it will be passed as the first parameter to this callback function


in characteristic object

The characteristic for which the value can be read


in string (optional) )

If successful the parameter will be nil, an error message otherwise

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.5'