Managing Session Logs

The system automatically generates the following comma-separated variable (csv) files and stores them in the SessionLogs folder. Each time you start the TI-Nspire™ software, logs are appended to the previous day’s log to keep a complete record.

Activities.csv file. Activities that take place during class sessions are recorded in this file.
ActivityTypes.csv file. This file is the lookup table that the system references when generating a usage report.
Attendance.csv file. Information for each student who logs into a session is recorded in this file.
ClassSession.csv file. Information for all class sessions is recorded in this file.

Using the Activities File

The system records information about the activities that took place during the class session in this file. Information includes:

ClassSessionID. Class ID number unique to the funding programme.
ClassName. Name of the class as defined in the software.
ActivityTypeID. Type of activity that took place during the class. The ID correponds to the activity types defined in the Activity Type file.
ActivityDetail. Additional data about the activity type if available.
ActivityStart. Time the activity started.
ActivityEnd. Time the activity ended.
NumStudent. Number of students who participated in this activity.

Using the ActivityTypes File

The ActivityTypes file is a look-up table that includes codes for identifying activity types and a short description of each activity.

Activity ID



Screen Capture


Collect File


Delete File


Send File




Save to Portfolio


Collect Missing


Send Missing


Umprompted Send


Live Presenter


Quick Poll - Multiple Choice


Quick Poll - Open Response


Quick Poll - Equations


Quick Poll - Chemical Expression


Quick Poll - Expressions


Quick Poll - Image with labels


Quick Poll - Image with point(s)


Quick Poll - Coordinate Points


Quick Poll - Lists & Spreadsheet

Using the Attendance File

The system records information for each student who logged into a session in the Attendance file. Information includes:

Class ID. The Class ID number unique to the funding programme.
Class Name. Name of the class as defined in the software.
Last Name. Last name of the student.
First Name. First name of the student.
Date and Time. Date and time when student logged in. Used to identify students who logged in on time versus late.
Student ID. The ID of the student.

Using the Class Session File

The system records information for each class session by Class ID. Information includes:

ClassSessionID. The Class ID number unique to the funding programme.
ClassName. Name of the class as defined in the software.
Start. Time the class started as recorded when the teacher clicks Begin Class.
End. Time the class ended as recorded when the teacher clicks End Class.
NumStudent. Number of students who logged in during the class session.
ClassSectionName. Name of the class section.
QuickPollTotalTime. Amount of time student spend on Quick Polls.

Managing Log Files

Session log files are managed automatically based upon their file size each time the TI-Nspire™ is turned off. If the size of any one of the files is greater than 1 MB during shutdown, a backup of each file is created in the SessionLogs folder with the following names:


Note: If a backup file already exists, it will be overwritten with a newer version.

The next time the TI-Nspire™ is turned on, four new, empty log files will be created.