Working with Images

Images can be added to PublishView™ documents as PublishView™ objects or can be added inside TI-Nspire™ applications that support images. Supported files types are .bmp, .jpg and .png files.

Note: If a TI-Nspire™ application is active in the PublishView™ document, the image is added to the TI-Nspire™ page if you click Insert > Image from the menu bar or context menu. If there is no TI-Nspire™ document active, the image is added as a PublishView™ object. Only images inside TI-Nspire™ applications convert to TI-Nspire™ documents (.tns files).

Inserting an Image

1. Ensure the PublishView™ Objects pane is open.

2. Click , and then drag the icon to the document.

The Choose an image to insert into PublishView™ dialogue box opens.

Note: By default, the Texas Instruments preloaded images folder is displayed.

3. Navigate to the folder where the image file you want to insert is located, and then highlight the file name.
4. Click Insert image.

The image is added to the PublishView™ sheet.

5. Using the mouse, grab the handles to resize the text box,


Grab any border to position the text box in the document as needed.

Moving Images

1. Click the frame containing the image to select it.
2. Move your cursor over the edge of the image to activate the positioning tool.
3. Move the image to its new location on the PublishView™ sheet.

Note: Objects can overlap each other on a PublishView™ sheet.

Resizing Images

1. Click the frame containing the image to select it.
2. Move your cursor over one of the blue handles to activate the resizing tool.
3. Drag the handle to make the image smaller or bigger.

Deleting Images

Click the image to select it, and then press the Delete key.


Right-click a handle to open the context menu, and then click Delete.