Saving PublishView™ Documents

Saving a New Document

1. Click File > Save Document.


Click .

The Save TI-Nspire™ Document dialogue box opens.

2. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the document.


Create a folder in which to store the document.

3. Type a name for the new document.
4. Click Save.

The document closes and is saved with the extension .tnsp.

Note: When you save a file, the software first looks in the same folder the next time you open a file.

Saving a Document with a New Name

To save a previously saved document in a new folder and/or with a new name:

1. Click File > Save As from the menu.

The Save TI-Nspire™ Document dialogue box opens.

2. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the document.


Create a folder in which to store the document.

3. Type a new name for the document.
4. Click Save to save the document with a new name.

Note: You can also use the Save As option to convert documents from TI-Nspire™ files to PublishView™ files or convert PublishView™ files to TI-Nspire™ files.