The following example shows how you might use TI-Nspire™ applications and PublishView™ objects to build a PublishView™ document. In this example, borders are turned on to show the boundaries around the objects. Showing borders enables you to work with objects easily while building a document. When you are ready to print or publish the document to the web, you can select to the hide borders.
. In this example, the header contains the title of the document. When the header area is active, you can type and format text as needed.
. In PublishView™ documents, use problem breaks to control the page layout. You can select to hide or show problem breaks. Deleting a problem removes the contents of the problem and removes the space between problems when there are multiple problems. Problem breaks also enable you to use variables in PublishView™ documents. Variables that have the same name are independent of one another if they are used in different problems.
. In this example, the introduction text and the text in boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 is contained in text boxes. You can insert text and hyperlinks into a PublishView™ document using a text box. Text boxes can be resized and positioned as needed. PublishView™ text boxes are not retained when you convert a PublishView™ document to a TI-Nspire™ document.
. In this example, the author uses Graphs & Geometry to show the maths functions. When a TI-Nspire™ application is active in a PublishView™ document, the appropriate application menu opens in the Documents Toolbox. You can work in a TI-Nspire™ application just as you would in a TI-Nspire™ document. When you convert a PublishView™ document to a TI-Nspire™ document, applications are retained.
. You can also use the TI-Nspire™ Notes application to add text to a PublishView™ document. Because Notes is a TI-Nspire™ application, it will be retained when you convert the PublishView™ document to a TI-Nspire™ document. Using the Notes application enables you to use an equation editor and can contain TI-Nspire™ maths templates and symbols.
. This is an example of a video that is embedded in a PublishView™ document within a frame. Users can start and stop the video using the controls. Frames containing videos and images can be resized and positioned in the document as needed.
. By default, the footer area contains the page number, which cannot be edited. You can add other text above the page number if needed. Like the header, you can format text as needed.