Graphing a Family of Functions

In a family of functions, each member has its own value for one or more of the parameters. By entering the parameters as lists, you can use a single expression to graph a family of up to 16 functions.

For example, the expression f1(x) = {-1,0,1,2} x + {2,4,6,8} denotes the following four functions:
f1_1(x) = -1  x + 2
f1_2(x) =  0  x + 4
f1_3(x) =  1 x + 6
f1_4(x) =  2 x + 8

To Graph a Family of Functions

1. From the Graph Entry/Edit menu, select Function.
2. Type the expression, using lists to represent the members of the family.

3. Press Enter to graph the functions.

Each member is labelled separately (f1_1, f1_2, and so on) to indicate its sequence in the expression.

Note: You cannot edit a single function graph to change it to a family of functions.