About Collection Devices

You can select from a variety of sensors and interfaces to collect data while running the Vernier DataQuest™ application with TI-Nspire™ software.

Multi-Channel Sensor Interfaces

Multi-channel sensor interfaces let you connect more than one sensor at a time.


Sensor Interface


Texas Instruments TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle

This sensor can be used with a handheld, a computer, or as a stand-alone sensor.

The sensor interface allows you to connect and use one to five sensors at the same time. It can be used in the lab or at a remote collection location.

The Lab Cradle supports two digital sensors and three analogue sensors.

The Lab Cradle also supports high-sample data collection sensors, such as a hand-grip heart rate or a blood pressure monitor.

After using the Lab Cradle as a remote sensor, you can download data to either a handheld or computer.

Single-Channel Sensor Interfaces

Single-channel sensor interfaces can only connect to one sensor at a time. These sensors have either a mini-USB connector for a handheld or a standard USB connector for a computer. For a complete list of compatible sensors, see Compatible Sensors.


Sensor Interface


Vernier EasyLink®

This sensor interface is used with handhelds. It has a mini-USB connector so it can be plugged directly into the handheld.

Connect sensors to Vernier EasyLink® to:

Measure barometric pressure.
Measure the salinity of a solution.
Investigate the relationship between pressure and volume (Boyles’ Law).

Vernier Go!Link®

This sensor interface is used with computers. It has a standard connector so it can be plugged into a Windows® or Mac® computer.

Connect sensors to Vernier GoLink® to:

Measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
Monitor greenhouse gases.
Measure sound level in decibels.

Types of Sensors

Analogue sensors. Temperature, light, pH and voltage sensors are analogue sensors and require a sensor interface.
Digital sensors. Photogates, radiation monitors and drop counters are digital sensors. These sensors can only be used with the TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle.
Direct-connect USB sensors. These sensors connect directly to a handheld or computer and do not require a sensor interface.

Sensors for Handhelds

The following lists some sensors you can use with a handheld.




Texas Instruments CBR 2™

This analogue sensor connects directly to TI-Nspire™ CX II handhelds through the mini-USB port. It is used to explore and graph motion.

This sensor automatically launches the Vernier DataQuest™ application when you connect it to a handheld. Data collection begins when you select the Motion Match function.

This sensor collects up to 200 samples per second.

Use this sensor to:

Measure position and speed of a person or object.
Measure the acceleration of an object.

Vernier EasyTemp® temperature sensor

This analogue sensor connects directly to TI-Nspire™ CX II handhelds through the mini-USB port and is used to collect temperature ranges. You can design experiments to:

Collect weather data.
Record temperature changes due to chemical reactions.
Perform heat fusion studies.

Sensors for Computers

The following table lists some sensors you can use with a computer.



Vernier Go!Temp® temperature sensor

This analogue sensor connects to the computer’s USB port and is used to collect temperature ranges.

You can use this sensor to:

Collect weather data.
Record temperature changes due to chemical reactions.
Perform heat fusion studies.

Vernier Go!Motion® motion detector

This analogue sensor connects to the computer’s USB port and is used to measure acceleration, speed and velocity.

Use this sensor to:

Measure position and speed of a person or object.
Measure the acceleration of an object.

Compatible Sensors

The following sensors can be used with the Vernier DataQuest™ application.

25-g Accelerometer
30-Volt Voltage Probe
3-Axis Accelerometer
Low-g Accelerometer
CBR 2™ - Connects directly to handheld USB port
Go!Motion® - Connects directly to computer USB port
Extra Long Temperature Probe
Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
Surface Temperature Sensor
Ammonium Ion-Selective Electrode
Blood Pressure Sensor
C02 Gas Sensor
Calcium Ion-Selective Electrode
Charge Sensor
Chloride Ion-Selective Electrode
Conductivity Probe
High Current Sensor
Current Probe
Differential Voltage Probe
Digital Radiation Monitor
Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
Dual-Range Force Sensor
EasyTemp® - Connects directly to handheld USB port
EKG Sensor
Electrode Amplifier
Flow Rate Sensor
Force Plate
Gas Pressure Sensor
Go!Temp® - Connects directly to computer USB port
Hand Dynamometer
Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor
Instrumentation Amplifier
Light Sensor
Magnetic Field Sensor
Melt Station
Nitrate Ion-Selective Electrode
O2 Gas Sensor
ORP Sensor
pH Sensor
Relative Humidity Sensor
Respiration Monitor Belt (Requires Gas Pressure Sensor)
Rotary Motion Sensor
Salinity Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor
Sound Level Meter
TI-Light - Sold only with the CBL 2™
TI-Temp - Sold only with the CBL 2™
TI-Voltage - Sold only with the CBL 2™
Tris-Compatible Flat pH Sensor
Turbidity Sensor
UVA Sensor
UVB Sensor
Vernier Constant Current System
Vernier Drop Counter
Vernier Infrared Thermometer
Vernier Motion Detector
Vernier Photogate
Voltage Probe
Wide-Range Temperature Probe