Managing Files on a Connected Handheld

When working with files on connected handhelds in the Content Workspace, use the Options menu or the context menu to manage files.


How it Works


Open a file on a connected handheld:

Click the file you want to open.
Click Open. The document opens in the Documents Workspace.

Save to Computer

Save a copy of the selected file on your computer.

Click the file you want to save.
Click Save to Computer. The Save Select File dialogue box opens.
Navigate to the folder where you want to save the file.
Click Save.


Create a copy of a file:

Click the file you want to copy.
Click Options > Copy to copy the file to the Clipboard.
To paste the file in another location, navigate to the new location and then click Options > Paste.

Note: If you don’t select a new location, the copied file is pasted with a new name "Copy of ..."


Delete a file on a connected handheld:

Click the file you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Yes when the Warning dialogue box opens. Click No to cancel.


To refresh the list of files, click Options > Refresh.


To rename a file on a connected handheld:

Click the file you want to rename.
Click Rename.
Type the new name and press Enter.

Up a Level

Go up a level in the folder hierarchy. This option is available when you select a file inside a folder.

New Folder

Create a new folder:

Click New Folder.
Type a name for the new folder.
Press Enter.

Opening Documents on Connected Handhelds

To open a document on a connected handheld in the TI-Nspire™ software:

1. Ensure the handheld is connected to your computer.
2. Click to open Content Explorer.

The connected handheld name is listed in the Connected Handhelds pane.

3. Double-click the handheld name.

The folders and documents on the handheld are listed.

4. Navigate to the document you want to open, and then double-click the file name.

The document opens in the Documents Workspace work area.

Saving Files to a Connected Handheld

When you save a file from your computer to a handheld, files are converted to TI-Nspire™ documents (.tns files). To save a file on your computer to a connected handheld:

1. Ensure the handheld is connected to your computer.
2. Click to open Content Explorer.

The folders and files on your computer are listed in the Computer pane.

3. Navigate to the folder or file you want to save to the handheld.
4. Click the file to select it.
5. Drag the file to a connected handheld listed in the Connected Handheld pane.

The file is saved to the connected handheld.

Note: To save the file in a folder on the handheld, double-click the handheld name to list the folders and files, and then drag the file to a folder on the handheld.

If the file already exists on the handheld, a dialogue box opens asking if you want to replace the file. Click Replace to overwrite the existing file. Click No or Cancel to abandon the save.