Private and Public Library Objects

When defining a new library object, you choose whether if is private (LibPriv) or public (LibPub). Anytime you are in the same problem where an object is defined, you can access it by entering its short name (the name given when using the Define command to create an object). This is true for all defined objects, including private, public and non-library objects. For example:

Define Command

Object Type

Short Name

Define a=5


Define LibPriv b=(1,2,3)

Private Library

Define LibPub func1 (x)=x^2 + 1

Public Library


Private Library Objects

A Private library object does not appear in the Utilities, but you can access it by typing its name. Typically, private library objects are used as building blocks that perform basic, low-level tasks and are called upon by public programs or functions.

Public Library Objects

A Public library object appears in Utilities > Libraries after you refresh the libraries. You can access a public library object through the Utilities menu or by typing its name.

In library programs and functions defined as public, a comment line (©) immediately following the Prgm or Func line is automatically displayed as help in the Catalogue. You could, for example, show a syntax reminder there.

To enter a comment line, tap Tools and go to Actions > Insert Comment.