Python Modules

TI-Nspire™ Python includes the following modules:

Standard Modules

TI Modules

Math (maths)

Random (random)

Complex Math (cmath)

Time (time)

TI PlotLib (ti_plotlib)

TI Hub (ti_hub)

TI Rover (ti_rover)

TI System (ti_system)

TI Draw (ti_draw)

TI Image (ti_image)

Note: If you have existing Python programs created in other Python development environments, you may need to edit them to run on the TI-Nspire™ Python solution. Modules may use different methods, arguments, and ordering of methods in a program compared to the TI modules. In general, be aware of compatibility when using any version of Python and Python modules.

When transferring Python programs from a non-TI platform to a TI platform OR from one TI product to another, remember:

Programs that use core language features and standard libs (math, random, etc.) can be ported without changes.
Programs that use platform-specific libraries such as matplotlib for PC or TI modules will require edits before they will run on a different platform. This may be true even between TI platforms.

As with any version of Python, you will need to include imports to use any functions, methods, or constants contained in a given module. For example, to execute the cos() function from the maths module, use the following commands:

>>>from math import *



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