Using the Review Toolbox

The Review toolbox contains tools needed for working with collected documents, Question results, and Quick Poll results.


What you can do

Review tools

The Review tools let you organize the response data, use graph tools, hide or show responses, and mark Question and Quick Poll responses as correct or incorrect.

Page sorter

Displays all the problems in a document or Quick Poll, all the pages in each problem, and the student responses for each question in the document.

Student pane

Displays the student names and responses in the Data View pane.

Exploring the Review Tools



Organize. Click ¢ to organize the data in different views.


Graph Tools. Click ¢ to access the graph tools when you are in coordinate graph view.


Show Selected. Shows selected responses for review in the Data View pane.


Hide Selected. Hides selected responses in the Data View pane.


Mark Selected Correct. Select a response from the Data View pane and click Mark Selected Correct to mark that response as the correct answer. You can mark more than one answer as a correct answer.


Mark Selected Incorrect. Select a response from the Data View pane and click Mark Selected Incorrect to mark that response as an incorrect answer. You can mark more than one answer as an incorrect answer.

Exploring the Page Sorter

Use the Page Sorter to view student responses to any question in a document.



Click the minus sign (–) to collapse the view. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the view and show all the pages in a problem, and all the problems in a document.


The pages in a problem. Click a page to open it in the Data View pane.


Student responses. A student data icon follows each question in the document. Click the icon to view the student responses for the question in the Data View pane.

In Quick Polls, the icon shows the number of students who were logged in when the poll was started, the number who have responded, and the number who have submitted their answer. In the example below, nine students received the poll, seven students responded to the poll, and no students have submitted their answer.

Note: If you send a poll to students who were missing, the numbers may change.


Scroll bar. The scroll bar is active when there are too many pages to show in the panel.


Page numbers. Click a page number to open the page in the Data View pane.

Exploring the Student Pane

Use the Student pane to:

Display the students to whom the file was sent
View the students who responded
View student responses
Mark responses as correct or incorrect
Sort the responses by student or response, or by time in Quick Polls



Display Student Responses. Select this check box to show the responses of each student. Clear the check box to hide the student responses.


Student, Response, and Time columns. The Time column is available only in Quick Poll reviews.

Click the Student column to list the students in alphabetical order. Click again to list in reverse alphabetical order.
Click the Response column to list the responses in alphabetical or numerical order. Click again to list the responses in reverse order.
To add the Time column in Quick Poll reviews, click the Options menu , and then click Time.
Click the Time column to list the responses in order of the time they were answered (first response on top). Click again to list the responses with the first response on the bottom.


Student names. Lists all students in the class associated with the document currently opened for review. The student names are displayed as chosen in the Class >Student Name Format menu.

Student names in red text indicate students who did not receive the file or respond to the Quick Poll.


Responses. Lists all responses next to the student’s name. A student may be listed several times if they gave multiple responses. The Response column may change if the review document is an active Quick Poll or a question document that has not been saved yet.

A response is shown if the student responded.
The response area is blank if the student did not respond.
"Responded" is displayed if the student responded and the responses are hidden.
"No Response" is displayed if the student has not yet responded to the open question or active Quick Poll.
"Working" is displayed if the student has modified their response to a Quick Poll, but has not submitted it.


Options menu. Click ¤ to open the menu of options you can perform on the student responses:

Display student responses.
Display student names only.
Display responses only.
Display a Time column for Quick Poll results.
Select all items in the list.
Show the selected item.
Hide the selected item.
Mark one or more responses as correct.
Mark one or more responses as incorrect.