Setting Environment Variables for Proxy Servers

If you are using a proxy server, you must set the environment variables before you can use the TI software (not required for Single licenses).

The environment variables point to the proxy server and port so the license can be activated.

Setting Environment Variables on Windows® 10

To set the environment variables on Windows® 10, follow these steps.

1. Click Start > Control Panel > System.

(If you are using Windows® 7 or Windows Vista® and are navigating from the Control Panel main window, click System and Security > System.)

The System Properties dialog box opens.

2. Click the Advanced Systems Settings tab.
3. Click Environment Variables.

The Environment Variables dialog box opens.

4. In the System Variables area, click New.

The New System Variable dialog box opens.

5. In the Variable name field, type TI.HttpsProxy.
6. In the Variable value field, type <proxy IP address or host>:<proxy port>
7. Click OK to close open dialog boxes and the Control Panel.

Setting Environment Variables on a Mac®

Environment variables on a Mac® must be specified in the environment.plist file.

The variables must be specified using the following syntax:
TI.HttpsProxy=<proxy IP address or host>:<proxy port>

For example:

For more information on setting your environment variables in the environment.plist file, see the Apple® documentation.