Obtaining Licenses

Licenses for TI software are obtained in different ways, depending on the license type and the purchase method (online or DVD).

For a Single license, the license number is provided in the confirmation email or on the DVD sleeve.

For Volume, Concurrent, Multi-Activation, and School-Managed licenses, follow these steps to redeem the claim number needed to create license numbers or license files.

1. Log in to your Software Service Center account at education.ti.com/go/softwarecenter.
2. Click Redeem Claim Number.
3. Type the claim number provided in your confirmation email and click Redeem.

The License Agreement web page is displayed.

4. Click Accept.

The Claim Number Redemption Successful web page is displayed.

5. Verify your order, including product name, license type, and number of seats.
6. Click Manage License Numbers.

The Manage License Numbers web page is displayed.

7. Click New License Number, and then click Manage License.

The Allocate Activations web page is displayed.

8. For licenses other than the Multi-Activation license, type the number of seats that you want to allocate to the first license number.

For example, if you have 30 seats total and want to allocate 10 seats to each of three license numbers, type 10 for the first license number.

9. Type a nickname, and click Save.

The Manage License Number web page is displayed with the license number or with a download link to the license file.

10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all seats are allocated.