Setting Teacher Preferences for Capture Class

Use the Teacher Preferences option to set preferences for using the randomize screen option and for displaying the teacher handheld. Creating a user name and password enables teachers to log in to an active class.

1. From the Class Workspace, click File > Settings > Teacher Preferences.

The Teacher Preferences dialog box opens.

2. If you haven’t already done so, create a Username and Password.
3. Select "Add teacher to classroom view" to show your handheld in the Class Screen Capture window.
4. To randomize the order in which screens are captured, select "Randomize order in Screen Capture."
5. Select the "Individualize Teacher Handheld in Screen Capture" option so that a captured screen from the teacher handheld appears differently in the Class Screen Capture window than screens captured from student handhelds.
6. Click OK to save the settings.