Using Math Actions 

Math Actions are available on Notes and Calculator pages.

When you display the context menu for a selected expression or equation, the menu may include a Math Actions submenu that lists the available actions. Each action might prompt you for any needed parameters.

The specific math actions listed depend on:

The type of expression or relation.
The operating system in use (numeric or CAS).

Example of Math Actions in Notes

1. Insert a math box, and type the equation x2+3x+1=0, but don't press Enter yet.

Numeric OS


2. Tap the equation to display its context menu, and select Math Actions.

Numeric OS


3. Select the action to perform:
- Solve Numerically for numeric OS.
- Solve for CAS OS.

You are prompted to enter parameters. For example, Numeric Solve prompts for the variable of interest, initial guess, lower bound, and upper bound.

4. Type a value for each parameter. When options are available, you can tap an arrow to make a selection.

Numeric OS


5. Tap OK to construct the completed expression and place it in the math box.

Numeric OS


6. Press Enter to complete the action.

Numeric OS


7. As a further exploration, select x2+3·x+1. Do not include the "=0" portion.

Numeric OS


8. Display the context menu for the selected text, select Math Actions > Find Roots of Polynomial, and press Enter to complete the action.

The action and its result are shown in a new math box.

Numeric OS


Tips for Using Math Actions in Notes

For a previously evaluated expression, tap the expression to display its context menu.

When you select an action, it replaces the expression.

For a displayed result, tap the result to display its context menu.

When you select an action, it appears in a new math box.

For a portion of an expression or result, select the portion, and then display the context menu.

When you select an action, it appears in a new math box.