Graphing Differential Equations

ODE entry line:

y1 ODE identifier
Expression k·y1 defines the relation
Fields (1,1) for specifying initial condition
Buttons for adding initial conditions and setting plot parameters

Slider added for adjusting coefficient k of the ODE

Slope field

A solution curve passing through the initial condition

To Graph a Differential Equation:

1. In the Graphing view, tap Tools  and go to Graph Entry/Edit > Diff Eq.

The ODE is automatically assigned an identifier, such as “y1.”

2. Move to the relation field and enter the expression that defines the relation. For example, you might enter -y1+0.1*y1*y2.

3. Enter the initial condition for the independent value x0 and for y10.

Note: The x0 value(s) are common to all the ODEs in a problem but can be entered or modified only in the first ODE.

4. Tap Edit Parameters to set the plot parameters. Select a numerical Solution Method, and then set any additional parameters. You can change these parameters anytime.

5. Tap OK.
6. Zoom the window as necessary to view the graph.