Keyword Description: Use pass in an empty function or class definition as a placeholder for future code as you build out your program. Empty definitions will not cause an error when program is executed. |
y N |
Module: ti_plotlib Syntax: plt.pen("size","style") Description: Sets the appearance of all following lines until the next pen() is executed. Argument: Default pen() is "thin" and "solid."
Example: |
Description: Constant Example:
Alternate Example:
[Fns…] > Modul 1:math… > Const 2:pi |
Module: ti_plotlib Syntax: plt.plot(xlist,ylist,"mark") Description: A line plot displays using ordered pairs from specified xlist and ylist. The line style and size are set using plt.pen(). xlist and ylist must be real floats and lists must bee the same dimension. Argument: "mark" is the mark character as follows:
Example: See sample program: LINREGR. |
Module: ti_plotlib Syntax: plt.plot(x,y,"mark") Description: A point plot, (x,y) displays using specified x and y. xlist and ylist must be real floats and lists must be the same dimension. Argument: "mark" is the mark character as follows:
Example: See sample program: LINREGR. |
Description: Returns Use the Example:
Example using: [Tools] > 6:New Shell
y N
[Fns…] > Modul 1:math
import commands can be found in |
Description: Displays argument as string. Example:
y N
[Fns…] > I/O