Using TI-SmartView™ CE and the Python Experience

This guidebook assumes the latest update of TI-SmartView™ CE. Update to the latest TI-SmartView™ CE at

The update includes the latest
TI-84 Plus CE Python emulator OS running the latest Python App. The updated modules of time,
ti_system, ti_plotlib, ti_rover* and ti_hub* are included.

Run the Python App on the
TI-84 Plus CE Python emulator.

The Python App offers
File Manager
Execution of your Python program in the Shell*

Hub/Rover Programs

Create ti_hub/ti_rover Python programs in the CE emulator running the Python App.

* Note: There is no connectivity between TI-SmartView™ CE and
TI-Innovator™ Hub or TI-Innovator™ Rover. Programs can be created and then run on the CE calculator.

Quit the Python App to prepare to transfer the Python AppVar(s) from the emulator. The emulator should not “be busy” running an App or program for the next step.
Change to the Emulator Explorer workspace and send the program(s) to the computer.
Use TI Connect™ CE to send the Python AppVars from the computer to the CE calculator for the TI-Innovator™ Hub/TI-Innovator™ Rover experience.

Note: To break a running Python program in the Shell, such as if a program is in a continuous loop, press [on]. Press [Tools] [zoom] > 6:New Shell as an alternate method to halt a running program.

Reminder: For any computer/TI-Python experience: After creating a Python program in a Python development environment on the computer, please validate your program runs on the calculator/emulator in the TI-Python experience. Modify the program as needed.

SmartPad CE App Remote Keypad

When running the SmartPad CE App on your connected CE will behave as a remote keypad including the special keypad mapping offered when the Python App is running.

Emulator Explorer Workspace

Please quit the Python App so the emulator is not busy when you access the full features of the Emulator Explorer workspace. < > PY AppVar conversions are allowed. This is similar to the TI Connect™ CE experience when sending programs to the connected CE calculator.
When sending a file created in another Python environment, your PY AppVar will need to be edited to run as expected in TI-Python. Use the Python App Editor to modify as needed for the unique modules such as
ti_plotlib, ti_system, ti_hub and ti_rover.

Data Import Wizard

*.csv files of data, formatted as stated in the wizard dialog, will convert data into CE list variables. Methods in ti_system can then be used to share lists between the emulator CE OS and the Python App. This feature is similar to the Data Import Wizard in TI Connect™ CE.
- If decimal numbers are represented with the use of comma in the *.csv file, the file will not convert using the Data Import Wizard. Please check your computer operating system number formatting and convert the *.csv to use the decimal point representation. The CE calculator list and matrix editor use the number format as, for example, 12.34 and not 12,34.