Python Editor

The Python Editor is displayed from a selected program in File Manager or from the Shell. The Editor displays keywords, operators, comments, strings and indents in color. Quick paste of common Python keywords and functions are available as well as direct keypad entry and [a A #] character entry . When pasting a code block such as if.. elif.. else, the Editor offers auto-indent which can be modified as needed as you write your program.









Program line location of the cursor.


Auto indent code blocks.

Gray dots as visual indicator of
indented lines.

Cursor is always in insert mode. Use y and ƒ to toggle cursor. Cursor states are numeric, a, and A. [del] behaves as a backspace and delete of a character.


Useful tools for editing and working in the Shell. Full description below.

Python Editor shortcut keys and menus






Select [Fns…] to access menus of commonly used functions, keywords, and operators. Also access selected contents of the math and random modules.

Note: y N is also helpful for quick paste.

[a A #]


Select [a A #] to access a character palette as an alternate way to enter many characters.



Select [Tools] to access features to assist in your editing or your interaction with the Shell.

1: Indent 4

Indents the program line to the right cursor moves to first character of the line.

2: Indent 3

Reduces the indent of the program line to the left. Cursor moves to first character of the line.

3: Undo Clear

Pastes the last cleared line to a new line below the program line containing the cursor. Cursor displays at the end of the pasted line.

4: Insert Line Above

Inserts a line above the program line with the cursor. Line will indent and display indent dots when appropriate.

5: Cut Line

Current program line with cursor is cut. Cursor displays on program line below the cut line.

6: Copy Line

Copies current program line with cursor. A copied program line can be pasted to the Shell prompt. See Shell below.

7: Paste Line Below

Pastes the last stored program line to the line below the cursor position.

8: Go to Program Line…

Displays cursor at the beginning of the specified program line.

9: Go to New Shell

Displays reinitialized Shell.

0: Return to Shell

Displays Shell in current state.

A: Page up

Displays 11 program lines above current cursor position as available.

B: Page Down

Displays 11 program lines below current cursor position as available.

C: Insert #comment Below

Inserts # on a new line below cursor position.



Select [Run] to execute your program.



Select [Files] to display the File Manager.