Data Import

The Data Import feature lets you convert/send spreadsheet data saved as csv data files to the calculator as calculator list(s) or matrice(s) files.

Access the Data Import feature from the Calculator Explorer Workspace.


Create (or download) a spreadsheet of data.
Prior to import, edit data in your spreadsheet software to only allowed calculator numeric formats (specified below) for the import to a calculator file.

About the spreadsheet

Only one spreadsheet saved as a CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv) file will be imported via Calculator Explorer workspace at a time.
Spreadsheet (csv) file can be dragged into the Calculator Explorer or imported via Actions > Import Data (.csv) to List/Matrx... menu.
Up to 6 calculator lists or 1 matrix from the spreadsheet data will send to the connected calculator.

Rules for preparing the spreadsheet for import:

All cells must contain Real Number data as experienced on the calculator and no text.
- Complex numbers are not supported for data import.
- If decimal numbers are represented with the use of a comma in the *.csv file, the file will not convert using the Data Import Wizard. Please check your computer operating system number formatting and convert the *.csv to use the decimal point representation. The calculator list and matrix editor use the number format as, for example, 12.34 and not 12,34.
Data must start in cell A1
List(s) Import: If calculator lists are desired:

- Only six spreadsheet columns A-F will be imported
- Columns can be of length up to 999 cells.
- The first empty cell in a column will be interpreted as the end of the data for that list import
Matrix Import: if calculator matrix is desired:

- Only one matrix can be imported from a spreadsheet file.
- Up to 400 cells can be imported. (Example: row x col: 10 x 5 = 50 cells from row range 1-10, columns A-E.)
- Dimension of matrix of the form (row x column) will be requested during the import experience in Calculator Explorer.
- Any empty cell within the specified matrix dimension will be interpreted as 0.
Do not have data in the spreadsheet outside of the allowed sizes for list(s) or matrix as described above. Otherwise, the file will be invalid when a data import to Calculator Explorer is attempted.

To save calculator list(s) or matrix files

To save calculator files created to the computer, after import/send to calculator, drag the list(s) or matrix file from Calculator Explorer to the desired computer location.