Working with Background Images

The TI Connect™ CE software automatically converts any image you send to a connected calculator into a Background Image Var. Your image may display differently in the graph area than you expect given the conversion to the pixel dimensions of 83 x 133.

Note: For best results, please edit your image to be proportional to 83 x 133 pixels prior to the conversion to 83 x 133 pixels.

Tip! Try to convert your image as described below. If the conversion is not as you expect, scale your picture similar to the graph area where Background Image Vars are displaying on the CE.

Take a screen capture of the graph screen at 100% scale using Screen Capture Workspace. This screen capture can be either in Full or Graph-Table mode. You will use this to scale your image to a smaller size to fit the size of the graph area.
Use a favorite presentation software and display both the screen capture and your picture.
Drag (size) your picture to a smaller size and to the proportion of the graph area.
Use a snipping tool to snip the new smaller image. Save that image to your computer.
Use this smaller, proportional picture to convert to an Image Var following the next steps below.

Reminder! Preserve your original picture file by using a different computer file name of your smaller picture.

The conversion to the Background Image Var uses 16-bit color.

You can also convert or upload a Background Image Var into the TI‑84 Plus CE emulator view in TI-SmartView™ CE software.

On the TI‑84 Plus CE, a Background Image Var displays as the background in the graph area only. A background image will display scaled for the MODE screen settings of Full, Horizontal, and Graph-Table. This preserves any mathematical modeling done on a background. You cannot edit a background image while working on the TI‑84 Plus CE. Background images run from and are stored in Archive memory.