To display the MATH menus, press ». Press | or ~ to display the menus for the NUM (Number), CMPLX (Complex), PROB (Probability) or FRAC (Fraction) commands.
• | Note: Use Catalog Help for more syntax help when needed. Select a menu item and then press à to go to a syntax help editor (if the menu item is supported). |
To display the MATH menu, press ».
1: e4Frac |
Displays the answer as a fraction. |
2: e4Dec |
Displays the answer as a decimal. |
3: 3 |
Calculates the cube. |
4: 3‡( |
Calculates the cube root. |
* |
5: x‡ |
Calculates the xth root. |
6: fMin( |
Finds the minimum of a function. |
7: fMax( |
Finds the maximum of a function. |
* |
8: nDeriv( |
Computes the numerical derivative of a function at a point. |
* |
9: fnInt |
Computes the numerical integral of a function over an interval. |
* |
0: summation G( |
Computes the sum of an expression over an index. |
* |
A: logBASE( |
Computes the logarithm of a specified value determined from a specified base: logBASE(value, base). |
B: piecewise( |
Allows the entry of piecewise functions. |
C: Numeric Solver... |
Displays the equation solver. |
* FUNC shortcut menu ƒ _
To display the NUM menu, press » ~.
* |
1: abs( |
Absolute value |
2: round( |
Round |
3: iPart( |
Integer part |
4: fPart( |
Fractional part |
5: int( |
Greatest integer |
6: min( |
Minimum value |
7: max( |
Maximum value |
8: lcm( |
Least common multiple |
9: gcd( |
Greatest common divisor |
0: remainder( |
Reports the remainder as a whole number from a division of two whole numbers where the divisor is not zero. |
** |
A: e4 n/d e3 4 Un/d |
Converts an improper fraction to a mixed number or a mixed number to an improper fraction. |
** |
B: e4 F e3 4 D |
Converts a decimal to a fraction or a fraction to a decimal. |
** |
C: Un/d |
Displays the mixed number template in MathPrint™ mode. Displays a small u between the whole number and fraction in Classic mode. Use n/d to complete the mixed number. |
** |
D: n/d |
Displays the fraction template in MathPrint™ mode. Displays a thick fraction bar between the numerator and the denominator in Classic mode. Also accessible by pressing ƒ „. |
* FUNC shortcut menu ƒ _
** FRAC shortcut menu ƒ ^
To display the CMPLX menu, press » ~ ~.
1: conj( |
Returns the complex conjugate. |
2: real( |
Returns the real part. |
3: imag( |
Returns the imaginary part. |
4: angle( |
Returns the polar angle. |
5: abs( |
Returns the magnitude (modulus). |
6: e4Rect |
Displays the result in rectangular form. |
7: e4Polar |
Displays the result in polar form. |
To display the PROB menu, press » | |.
1: rand |
Random-number generator |
* |
2: nPr |
Number of permutations |
* |
3: nCr |
Number of combinations |
* |
4: ! |
Factorial |
5: randInt( |
Random-integer generator |
6: randNorm( |
Random # from Normal distribution |
7: randBin( |
Random # from Binomial distribution |
8: randIntNoRep( |
Random ordered list of integers in a range |
* FUNC shortcut menu ƒ _
To display the FRAC menu, press » |.
** |
1: n/d |
Displays the fraction template in MathPrint™ mode. Displays a thick fraction bar between the numerator and the denominator in Classic mode. Also accessible by pressing ƒ „. |
** |
2: Un/d |
Displays the mixed number template in MathPrint™ mode. Displays a small u between the whole number and fraction in Classic mode. Use n/d to complete the mixed number. |
** |
3: e4 F e3 4 D |
Converts a decimal to a fraction or a fraction to a decimal. |
** |
4: e4 n/d e3 4 Un/d |
Converts an improper fraction to a mixed number or a mixed number to an improper fraction. |
** FRAC shortcut menu ƒ ^