Using Pictures and Backgrounds

Image Vars (Image1 - Image9, and Image0) are variables stored in archive memory. An Image Var is used as a Background Image in the graph area. Image1 - Image 5 are pre-loaded on the TI-84 Plus CE online calculator. Additional images may not be loaded to the TI-84 Plus CE online calculator at this time.
Pic Vars (Pic1 - Pic 9, and Pic0) are also variables stored in archive memory. Pic Vars can be created by drawing in the graphing area, and the changes saved and recalled to the graphing area. Saving a Pic Var will not include the Background Image behind your graphing area.
Both Image Vars and Pic Vars are stored and run in Flash archive, not in RAM. They are both accessible in the VARS menu.
The TI-84 Plus CE online calculator comes with the CE operating system, 5 pre-loaded Image Vars and selected Apps. No calculator files can be stored to the computer, sent to the online calculator, or linked to a connected calculator in this relealse.
If you perform a RAM reset on the TI-84 Plus CE online calculator, the Image Vars and Pic Vars remain in Archive memory for use.
If you delete a pre-loaded Image Var from the TI-84 Plus CE online calculator, use the Reset Calculator feature from the Workspace menus to reset all pre-loaded files offered in this release. This action *will not* retain your current work (RAM and Archive) such as lists, matrices, or TI-Basic programs.