Key Features

High resolution, full-color display
- Distinguish between multiple graphs and plots with color-coded equations, plots, and objects
- Make graphs easier to read by adding grid lines
Familiar functionality
- Similar menu structure and navigation as the TI-84 Plus family with enhanced features
- Built-in MathPrint™ functionality to input and view math symbols, formulas and stacked fractions
- Graph on top of 5 pre-loaded images to connect concepts to the real world

The applications extend the functionality of your online calculator, allowing you to perform specific math and science functions and to deepen your understanding of concepts. Pre-loaded applications include:

Cabri™ Jr
Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Solver
Probability Simulations
Conic Graphing
Science Tools
Inequality Graphing
Transformation Graphing
Periodic Table


Note: Calculator files cannot be sent to or saved from the TI-84 Plus CE online calculator. If an App or Image Var is deleted, use Reset online calculator. A reset will not preserve calculator files such as list, matrix or TI-Basic programs.

Use this guide to learn more about these features and other essential tools of your
TI-84 Plus CE online calculator.