TI-84 Plus CE online calculator Edit Keys



~ or |

Moves the cursor within an expression; these keys repeat if held down on the keypad.

} or

Moves the cursor from line to line within an expression that occupies more than one line; these keys repeat if held down on the keypad.
Moves the cursor from term to term within an expression in MathPrint™ mode; these keys repeat if held down on the keypad.
On the home screen, scrolls through the history of entries and answers.

y |

Moves the cursor to the beginning of an expression.

y ~

Moves the cursor to the end of an expression.

ƒ }

Moves the cursor out of a MathPrint™ expression and up into history on the home screen.
Moves the cursor from a MathPrint™ expression to the previous Y-var in the Y=editor.


Moves the cursor from a MathPrint™ expression to the next Y-var in the Y=editor.


Evaluates an expression or executes an instruction.

Clears the current line on a line with text on the home screen.
Clears everything on the home screen on a blank line on the home screen. This does not clear the history of your entries and answers.
Press } to see the history.
Use Clear Entries* followed by if you wish to delete all home screen entries.
*Clear Entries is found in N.
Clears the expression or value where the cursor is located in an editor; it does not store a zero.


Deletes a character at the cursor; this key repeats if held down on the keypad.

y {

Changes the cursor to an underline (__); inserts characters in front of the underline cursor; to end insertion, press y 6 or press |, }, ~, or .


Changes the cursor or status bar indicator to Þ; the next keystroke performs a 2nd function (displayed above a key and to the left); to cancel 2nd, press y again.


Changes the cursor or status bar indicator to Ø; the next keystroke performs a third function of that key (displayed above a key and to the right) or accesses a shortcut menu. To cancel ƒ, press ƒ or press |, }, ~, or .

y 7

Changes the cursor to Ø; sets alpha-lock; subsequent keystrokes access the third functions of the keys pressed; to cancel alpha-lock, press ƒ. If you are prompted to enter a name such as for a group or a TI-Basic program, alpha-lock is set automatically.

Note: The TI-84 Plus CE online calculator does not automatically set alpha-lock for entries that require list names.

Note: There are instances where A-lock will be automatically set to "on" for your convenience. This occurs, for example, in the Program Editor when using "Insert Comment" and also in the summation index cursor position where only a letter variable is allowed.

Pastes an X in Function mode, a T in Parametric mode, a q in Polar mode, or an n in Seq mode with one keystroke.

[n/d] (above

Pastes the n/d template at the cursor position.