Using Transformation Graphing App

Transformation Graphing App enhances the o function mode and lets you observe the effects of changing coefficient values without leaving the graph screen. The transformation feature is only available in function mode (z).

Transformation Graphing allows you to manipulate up to four coefficients on the graph: A, B, C and D. All other coefficients act like constants, using the value in memory. You step through the transformation of a function or animate the transformation using play styles, play/pause, play and fast play. You can enter functions directly or use the colour/line style spinner dialogue to paste functions such as:

AX + B

AX2 + B

A(X-B)2 + C


AX2 + BX + C

A(X-B)3 + C

AX3 + BX2 + CX + D

A abs(B(X-C)) + D

A sin(B(X-C)) + D

A cos(B(X-C)) + D

A tan(B(X-C)) + D

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