• | CE OS v5.7.0 |
• | TI-Innovator™ Hub App |
• | CellSheet™ App |
• | Language Localization Apps |
• | To further support implicit multiplication, the multiplication sign will display in an expression to avoid confusion. |
- | Enter 3 [ ( - ) ] 2 |
- | Display will show 3*-2 with the result of -6. |
• | HUB menu in TI-Basic program editor contains support strings for the latest TI-Innovator™ Hub sketch v 1.5 support. |
- | Data Collection - collect multiple data samples in a single command |
- | Compound Statements to synchronize multiple outputs |
- | TI-RGB Array - control multiple LEDs |
- | Sound - use single command to play repeated beeps |
- | Ranger - return "time of flight" |
For more information about the new and updated functionality, go to education.ti.com/84ceupdate.