Error Messages

When the TI‑84 Plus CE detects an error, it returns an error message as a menu title, such as ERR:SYNTAX or ERR:DOMAIN. This table contains each error type, possible causes, and suggestions for correction. The error types listed in this table are each preceded by ERR: on your graphing calculator display. For example, you will see ERR:ARCHIVED as a menu title when your graphing calculator detects an ARCHIVED error type.


Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies


You have attempted to use, edit, or delete an archived variable. For example, the expression dim(L1) produces an error if L1 is archived.


You have attempted to archive a variable and there is not enough space in archive to receive it.


A function or instruction does not have the correct number of arguments.

The arguments are shown in italics. The arguments in brackets are optional and you need not type them. You must also be sure to separate multiple arguments with a comma (,). For example, stdDev(list[,freqlist]) might be entered as stdDev(L1) or stdDev(L1,L2) since the frequency list or freqlist is optional.


You have attempted to send or receive an application and an error (e.g. electrical interference) has occurred in the transmission.


In a CALC operation, you specified a Guess that is not between Left Bound and Right Bound.

For the solve( function or the equation solver, you specified a guess that is not between lower and upper.

Your guess and several points around it are undefined.

Examine a graph of the function. If the equation has a solution, change the bounds and/or the initial guess.


In a CALC operation or with Select(, you defined Left Bound > Right Bound.

In fMin(, fMax(, solve(, or the equation solver, you entered lower ‚ upper.


You pressed the É key to break execution of a program, to halt a DRAW instruction, or to stop evaluation of an expression.


You entered a value or variable that is the wrong data type.

For a function (including implied multiplication) or an instruction, you entered an argument that is an invalid data type, such as a complex number where a real number is required.

In an editor, you entered a type that is not allowed, such as a matrix entered as an element in the stat list editor.

You attempted to store an incorrect data type, such as a matrix, to a list.

You attempted to enter complex numbers into the n/d MathPrint™ template.


Your calculator displays the ERR:DIMENSION MISMATCH error if you are trying to perform an operation that references one or more lists or matrices whose dimensions do not match. For example, multiplying L1*L2, where L1={1,2,3,4,5} and L2={1,2} produces an ERR:DIMENSION MISMATCH error because the number of elements in L1 and L2 do not match.

You may need to turn Plots Off to continue.


You attempted to divide by zero. This error is not returned during graphing. The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph.

You attempted a linear regression with a vertical line.


You specified an argument to a function or instruction outside the valid range. The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph.

You attempted a logarithmic or power regression with a LX or an exponential or power regression with a LY.

You attempted to compute GPrn( or GInt( with pmt2 < pmt1.


You attempted to create a duplicate group name.

Duplicate Name

A variable you attempted to transmit cannot be transmitted because a variable with that name already exists in the receiving unit.


You have attempted to run an application with a limited trial period which has expired.

Error in Xmit

The TI‑84 Plus CE was unable to transmit an item. Check to see that the cable is firmly connected to both units and that the receiving unit is in receive mode.

You pressed É to break during transmission.

Setup RECEIVE first and then SEND, when sending files (8) between graphing calculators.


This error occurs when the SendID command is executed but the proper graphing calculator ID cannot be found.


You attempted to use an invalid function in an argument to a function, such as seq( within expression for seq(.


The increment, step, in seq( is 0 or has the wrong sign. . The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph.

The increment in a For( loop is 0.


You attempted to reference a variable or use a function where it is not valid. For example, Yn cannot reference Y, Xmin, @X, or TblStart.

In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a phase plot without defining both equations of the phase plot.

In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a recursive sequence without having input the correct number of initial conditions.

In Seq mode, you attempted to reference terms other than (nN1) or (nN2).

You attempted to designate a graph style that is invalid within the current graph mode.

You attempted to use Select( without having selected (turned on) at least one xyLine or scatter plot.


The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.

You specified a list dimension as something other than an integer between 1 and 999.

You specified a matrix dimension as something other than an integer between 1 and 99.

You attempted to invert a matrix that is not square.


The solve( function or the equation solver has exceeded the maximum number of permitted iterations. Examine a graph of the function. If the equation has a solution, change the bounds, or the initial guess, or both.

irr( has exceeded the maximum number of permitted iterations.

When computing æ, the maximum number of iterations was exceeded.


The label in the Goto instruction is not defined with a Lbl instruction in the program.

LINK L1 (or any other file) to Restore

The calculator has been disabled for testing. To restore full functionality, use TI Connect™ CE software to download a file to your calculator from your computer, or transfer any file to your calculator from another TI‑84 Plus CE.


Memory is insufficient to perform the instruction or function. You must delete items from memory before executing the instruction or function.

Recursive problems return this error; for example, graphing the equation Y1=Y1.

Branching out of an If/Then, For(, While, or Repeat loop with a Goto also can return this error because the End statement that terminates the loop is never reached.

Attempting to create a matrix with larger than 400 cells.


You are unable to transmit an item because the receiving unit’s available memory is insufficient. You may skip the item or exit receive mode.

During a memory backup, the receiving unit’s available memory is insufficient to receive all items in the sending unit’s memory. A message indicates the number of bytes the sending unit must delete to do the memory backup. Delete items and try again.


You attempted to store to a window variable in another graphing mode or to perform an instruction while in the wrong mode; for example, DrawInv in a graphing mode other than Func.


The solve( function or the equation solver did not detect a sign change.

You attempted to compute æ when FV, (څPMT), and PV are all ‚ 0, or when FV, (څPMT), and PV are all  0.

You attempted to compute irr( when neither CFList nor CFO is > 0, or when neither CFList nor CFO is < 0.


In Real mode, the result of a calculation yielded a complex result. . The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph.


You attempted to enter, or you have calculated, a number that is beyond the range of the graphing calculator. The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph.


You attempted to use a system variable inappropriately.


A singular matrix (determinant = 0) is not valid as the argument for L1.

The SinReg instruction or a polynomial regression generated a singular matrix (determinant = 0) because the algorithm could not find a solution, or a solution does not exist.

The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph.


expression in the solve( function or the equation solver contains a singularity (a point at which the function is not defined). Examine a graph of the function. If the equation has a solution, change the bounds or the initial guess or both.


You attempted a stat calculation with lists that are not appropriate.

Statistical analyses must have at least two data points.

Med‑Med must have at least three points in each partition.

When you use a frequency list, its elements must be ‚ 0.

(Xmax N Xminà Xscl must be between 0 and 131 for a histogram.


You attempted to display a graph when a stat plot that uses an undefined list is turned on.


The command contains a syntax error. Look for misplaced functions, arguments, parentheses, or commas.

For example, stdDev(list[,freqlist]) is a function of the TI‑84 Plus CE. The arguments are shown in italics. The arguments in brackets are optional and you need not type them. You must also be sure to separate multiple arguments with a comma (,). For example stdDev(list[,freqlist]) might be entered as stdDev(L1) or stdDev(L1,L2) since the frequency list or freqlist is optional.


You requested a tolerance to which the algorithm cannot return an accurate result.


You referenced a variable that is not currently defined. For example, you referenced a stat variable when there is no current calculation because a list has been edited, or you referenced a variable when the variable is not valid for the current calculation, such as a after Med‑Med.


Electrical interference caused a link to fail or this graphing calculator is not authorized to run the application.


You have tried to archive a variable that cannot be archived or you have tried to unarchive an application or group.

Examples of variables that cannot be archived include:

Real numbers LRESID, R, T, X, Y, Theta, Statistic variables under Vars, STATISTICS menu, Yvars, and the AppIdList.


You have attempted to receive an incompatible variable version from another graphing calculator.

A program may contain commands not supported in the OS version on your graphing calculator. Always use the latest OS. TI-84 Plus CE and TI-84 Plus share programs but a version error will be given if any new TI-84 Plus CE programs may need to be adjusted for the high resolution graph area.


A problem exists with the window variables.

You defined Xmax Xmin or Ymax Ymin.

You defined qmax  qmin and qstep > 0 (or vice versa).

You attempted to define Tstep=0.

You defined Tmax  Tmin and Tstep > 0 (or vice versa).

Window variables are too small or too large to graph correctly. You may have attempted to zoom to a point that exceeds the TI‑84 Plus CE’s numerical range.


A point or a line, instead of a box, is defined in ZBox.

A ZOOM operation returned a math error.