Using Catalog Help

Displaying Catalog Help

You can display Catalog Help arguments for functions in two ways:

Using an alpha/numeric function listing in the catalog (e.g, y N).
Using the functions listed in certain menus (e.g, »).

Catalog Help lists the valid arguments for the function under the edit line. Arguments in brackets are optional.

1. Display the menu that contains the function.
2. Use } and/or to move the cursor to the function.
3. Press à to display arguments for the function. The cursor is on the function edit line.


The catalog (y N) is displayed in alphabetical order. When you display the catalog, the alpha-lock is turned on. Press the first letter of the function name to skip function names that come before it alphabetically. Use } and/or to move the cursor to the function.
Not all catalog functions have associated arguments. If the function does not require an argument, Catalog Help displays the message “No arguments required for this item.”

Catalog Help Commands

Select MORE (if available) to display more arguments for the function.

Use shortcut menus ƒ ^ through a through for argument values if available.

Enter your argument values on the function edit line, and then select PASTE to paste the function and the argument values you entered.

Note: You can paste to most cursor locations.

Select ESC to exit the Catalog Help screen.