Creating an Account

The administrator will need to create an account by selecting the link Create an account. This is a one time process.

There are two options to create an account. The Create an account path shown below or if your email is associated with Google you can click the Sign In with Google option to create your account immediately.

Using the "Create an account" option









Select the link Create an account.

Selecting the Create an account link opens the CREATE ACCOUNT dialog box. Enter the following information:

First name
Last name
Confirm password

Be sure to check "I've read and accept the terms and conditions of the TI's Data Policy, TI's Privacy Policy, and TI's Online Terms of Use."
Select Next
The administrator receives an email validation to confirm the email address. When the administrator clicks the "Confirm your email" button, the user profile in our base URL will be displayed:

Note: The web page that opens when the administrator clicks "Next" will remain open. The administrator will need to close manually.

Using the "Sign In with Google" option

If your email is associated with Google you can select the Sign In with Google option to create an account immediately.





Select Sign In with Google

When you Sign In With Google, a Google Dialog opens.

Enter your email.

Enter your password.