USERS - shows the latest activity from the past 30 days. The total number of users and the number of users who have recently logged in.


Before You Begin

Before importing users, the administrator may want to create GROUPS. The administrator can create groups based on subject, class room, grade level, or other as needed. Creating different groups of users makes it easier to assign permissions to licenses.


Bulk Imports

Note: This is only for schools using Google sign in.

Before you begin importing users into the TI's OrgAdmin, you will need to create a CSV file. This CSV file lists only the users you intend to use the license and that you wish to import into the TI's OrgAdmin. This bulk import allows quick addition of users into TI's OrgAdmin.

Note: Quick add of users does not require individual email to each user. This feature enables Google users to be assigned licenses without going through the email invitation process.

Note: The following is required in the CSV – other wise it could fail

Header row indicating which column is the Email, First Name, and Last Name
No extra lines in the file
No extra commas in the file


Creating the CSV File for Import

When creating the CSV file remember the following parameters apply:

Use a valid email address.
Save the CSV file with UTF-8 encoding.
Break your CSV file into manageable chunks.
Recommendation: break the CSV file into chunks or into Groups with no more than 2,000 users.
Large imports greater than 1,000 may take some time to update and sync.

Note: Required fields are: email address, last name, first name.

Example of CSV File Data

It is important to note, the headers are required when importing users.

Be sure to include as the header, Email, First name, and Last name otherwise import will fail.

Reminder: Import only the users you intend to use the license.

Reminder: Save your CSV file with UTF-8 encoding.

Note: This is only for schools using Google sign in.


Importing Users

From the USERS tab, select IMPORT.





Once you have selected the CSV file, the Import Users dialog will show status of aligning the CSV file to the data needed by the licensing system. Green = good

Select CONTINUE to complete the bulk import.










After selecting CONTINUE you can select which group you wish to assign these users. Here we are assigning to the group created earlier.


Once you have the group selected, select Import.



Break your CSV file into manageable chunks.
Recommendation: break the CSV file into chunks or into Groups with no more than 2,000 users.
Large imports greater than 1,000 may take some time to update and sync.

After importing, all new users will be displayed in the Manage Users screen.

At this point the license is assigned to the user and their designated group(s).


Managing Users

Additional Options

There are additional options to each entry in Users.

From the USERS tab on the TI's OrgAdmin Dashboard, you can choose Profile Details, Groups, Licenses, Assign Admin access and Remove from organization by selecting .

Select from the ellipses, :

Profile Details - option to view profile details of a user.


Groups - option to view any group a user is assigned to or to assign a user to additional groups.


Licenses - option to view a user's active license or a user's inactive license.

Active License

Inactive License

Assign Admin access - option to assign a user administrative access.


Remove from organization - option to remove a user from a group (organization)