Module 21 - Answers
Lesson 1
 Answer 1
21.1.1   The first ten terms of the sequence are

As n gets larger subsequent terms in the sequence get closer to zero.

 Answer 2

The limit of the sequence as n approaches is 0.

 Answer 3
21.1.3   The points in the graph level off and approach a horizontal line. In other words, the graph has a horizontal asymptote.
 Answer 4
21.1.4   Plotting the terms of the sequence gives graphical evidence that the sequence converges. The window shown is [xmin, xmax] x [ymin, ymax] = [0, 20] x [2, 3] with nmin = 1 and nmax = 20.

A table of values of the terms of the sequence gives numerical evidence that the sequence converges.

The value of gives analytical proof that the sequence converges.

The sequence converges to e 2.71828.

Lesson 2
 Answer 1
 Answer 2
21.2.2   The fact that the graph appears to level off and have a horizontal asymptote suggests that the sequence of partial sums may converge, which would mean that the infinite series converges.
 Answer 3

Because the limit of the ratio of the sequence of partial sums is less than 1, the series converges.

 Answer 4
21.2.4   In the previous table the 26th and 51st partial sums were both approximately 10.5. So a reasonable estimate for the sum of the infinite series is 10.5.
Lesson 3
 Answer 1

The sequence is known as the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,...

Self Test
 Answer 1
 Answer 2
 Answer 3

The sequence appears to converge to approximately 0.377. The actual value is

 Answer 4
 Answer 5
Set in the Y= Editor.

The series appears to converge to approximately 2.71828. The exact value is

 Answer 6

The sequence appears to converge to approximately 63.797. The exact value is 64.


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