Module 13 - Answers
Lesson 1
 Answer 1

The points on the graph of x3 + y3 – 9xy = 0 when x = 4 are (4, 2), , and .

Lesson 2
 Answer 1

The slope of the tangent line to the folium at (4, 2) is

 Answer 2
13.2.2 The figure below shows that dy/dx = 0 at

 Answer 3
13.2.3 The points of the folium that satisfy the system are and (0, 0).
 Answer 4

 Answer 5


The slope of y4y2 + x2 = 0 at is .

 Answer 6
13.2.6 The points on y4y2 + x2 = 0 where the tangent is vertical are , , , .
Self Test
 Answer 1

The relation is shown in the following Viewing Cube:

eye = –90 xmin = –6 ymin = –6 zmin = –10
eye = 0 xmax = 6 ymax = 6 zmax = 10
eye = 0 xgrid = 14 ygrid = 14 ncontour = 5

 Answer 2
 Answer 3

The slope of the tangent at the point (1, 2) is

 Answer 4
The point where the tangent line is horizontal is
 Answer 5
The point where the tangent line is vertical is

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