Using Setup App for Dash Robot Experience

Connecting a Dash robot to the TI Bluetooth® Adapter.

1. Load SetDash App on your CE calculator.
Please update to the latest CE Bundle OS at
Load the SetDash App from The SetDash App is not included in the CE Bundle at this time.
2. Select one Bluetooth® Adapter/Dash robot from your classroom set of hardware.
3. Connect Adapter to CE.
Use the Adapter to CE cable provided with your TI Bluetooth Adapter. The gray B side of the cable connects to the Adapter.
4. Turn on the Dash robot and CE calculator.
5. Run SetDash App in [apps] menu;
Assume Adapter is detected.
If the Adapter is not detected, detach one end of the cable and reattach. The screen will update with the status of the detected Adapter.

If a Dash robot is stored in Adapter memory, the name, color and battery information display. You can change this information in [Menu] > 1:Edit Robot if needed.

Select [Identify] for a head nod of the Dash robot currently connected to the Adapter. Here, Ingenuity will Identify with a head nod.


If Adapter is not connected to a Dash robot OR a Dash robot is not available, follow the message on the screen. Use [Menu] options as directed.

If Adapter is not detected, detach one end of the cable and reattach and follow updated screen message. The App screen will refresh and guide you to next steps.


6. Select [Menu] at f5

Menu choices are:

1: Search for Robots

Displays a menu of all Dash robots powered on and in range of the TI Bluetooth® Adapter.

For simplicity and efficiency in classroom hardware set up, it is recommended that one Dash robot is turned on at a time to set up with one TI Bluetooth® Adapter.
However, the SELECT ROBOT menu will display up to 5 robots in range along with name, color and battery information.


2: Edit Robot Settings

Edit Name and Color.
Name: Edit the robot Name.
Color: Use the right and left arrow keys to select a new color.
Select "Done" to edit the robot setting.
Select [Esc] to leave the screen with no update to the robot.


3: Forget This Robot

Deletes the robot from Adapter memory.


4: Help

How to setup the next Adapter and robot without leaving the App.



How to take a screen capture of any screen in the App for your lessons.


5: Quit                  y 5

Select [Esc] to remain in the App.
Select [OK] to quit the App.


7. Once your class set of Dash robots and TI Bluetooth® Adapters are setup, please see the following to use CE Python with the Wonder Workshop Dash robot.

See: Python App Programming Guide

Learn more about Dash robots at