Selected TI-Python Built-in, Keywords, and Module Content
Topic Links
Built-ins |
Built-ins |
Built-ins |
__name__ |
abs -- <function> |
BaseException -- <class 'BaseException'> |
__build_class__ -- <function> |
all -- <function> |
ArithmeticError -- <class 'ArithmeticError'> |
__import__ -- <function> |
any -- <function> |
AssertionError -- <class 'AssertionError'> |
__repl_print__ -- <function> |
bin -- <function> |
AttributeError -- <class 'AttributeError'> |
bool -- <class 'bool'> |
callable -- <function> |
EOFError -- <class 'EOFError'> |
bytes -- <class 'bytes'> |
chr -- <function> |
Exception -- <class 'Exception'> |
bytearray -- <class 'bytearray'> |
dir -- <function> |
GeneratorExit -- <class 'GeneratorExit'> |
dict -- <class 'dict'> |
divmod -- <function> |
ImportError -- <class 'ImportError'> |
enumerate -- <class 'enumerate'> |
eval -- <function> |
IndentationError -- <class 'IndentationError'> |
filter -- <class 'filter'> |
exec -- <function> |
IndexError -- <class 'IndexError'> |
float -- <class 'float'> |
getattr -- <function> |
KeyboardInterrupt -- <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'> |
int -- <class 'int'> |
setattr -- <function> |
ReloadException -- <class 'ReloadException'> |
list -- <class 'list'> |
globals -- <function> |
KeyError -- <class 'KeyError'> |
map -- <class 'map'> |
hasattr -- <function> |
LookupError -- <class 'LookupError'> |
memoryview -- <class 'memoryview'> |
hash -- <function> |
MemoryError -- <class 'MemoryError'> |
object -- <class 'object'> |
help -- <function> |
NameError -- <class 'NameError'> |
property -- <class 'property'> |
hex -- <function> |
NotImplementedError -- <class 'NotImplementedError'> |
range -- <class 'range'> |
id -- <function> |
OSError -- <class 'OSError'> |
set -- <class 'set'> |
input -- <function> |
OverflowError -- <class 'OverflowError'> |
slice -- <class 'slice'> |
isinstance -- <function> |
RuntimeError -- <class 'RuntimeError'> |
str -- <class 'str'> |
issubclass -- <function> |
StopIteration -- <class 'StopIteration'> |
super -- <class 'super'> |
iter -- <function> |
SyntaxError -- <class 'SyntaxError'> |
tuple -- <class 'tuple'> |
len -- <function> |
SystemExit -- <class 'SystemExit'> |
type -- <class 'type'> |
locals -- <function> |
TypeError -- <class 'TypeError'> |
zip -- <class 'zip'> |
max -- <function> |
UnicodeError -- <class 'UnicodeError'> |
classmethod -- <class 'classmethod'> |
min -- <function> |
ValueError -- <class 'ValueError'> |
staticmethod -- <class 'staticmethod'> |
next -- <function> |
ZeroDivisionError -- <class 'ZeroDivisionError'> |
Ellipsis -- Ellipsis |
oct -- <function> |
ord -- <function> |
pow -- <function> |
print -- <function> |
repr -- <function> |
round -- <function> |
sorted -- <function> |
sum -- <function> |
keywords |
keywords |
keywords |
False |
elif |
lambda |
None |
else |
nonlocal |
True |
except |
not |
and |
finally |
or |
as |
for |
pass |
assert |
from |
raise |
break |
global |
return |
class |
if |
try |
continue |
import |
while |
def |
in |
with |
del |
is |
yield |
math |
math |
math |
__name__ |
acos -- <function> |
frexp -- <function> |
e -- 2.71828 |
asin -- <function> |
ldexp -- <function> |
pi -- 3.14159 |
atan -- <function> |
modf -- <function> |
sqrt -- <function> |
atan2 -- <function> |
isfinite -- <function> |
pow -- <function> |
ceil -- <function> |
isinf -- <function> |
exp -- <function> |
copysign -- <function> |
isnan -- <function> |
log -- <function> |
fabs -- <function> |
trunc -- <function> |
cos -- <function> |
floor -- <function> |
radians -- <function> |
sin -- <function> |
fmod -- <function> |
degrees -- <function> |
tan -- <function> |
random |
random |
random |
__name__ |
randint -- <function> |
seed -- <function> |
choice -- <function> |
getrandbits -- <function> |
random -- <function> |
randrange -- <function> |
uniform -- <function> |
time |
time |
time |
__name__ |
monotonic |
sleep |
struc_time |
ti_system |
ti_system |
ti_system |
__name__ |
recall_RegEQ |
disp_at |
escape |
wait_key |
disp_clr |
recall_list |
sleep |
disp_wait |
store_list |
wait |
disp_cursor |
ti_plotlib |
ti_plotlib |
ti_plotlib |
__name__ |
a |
grid |
lin_reg |
_pencolor |
-pensize |
_strtest |
_write |
_sema |
escape |
b |
-pensize |
_except |
_xytest |
plot |
text_alt |
window |
isnan |
_clipseg |
_mark |
color |
show-plot |
line |
title |
tilocal |
monotonic |
_xdelta |
pen |
_ntest |
_penstyle |
sys |
ymin |
copysign |
xmin |
tiplotlibException |
gr |
ymax |
lables |
xmax |
yscl |
cls |
sleep |
_xy |
sqrt |
auto_window |
_rdelta |
xscl |
_ydelta |
axes |
scatter |
ti_hub |
ti_hub |
ti_hub |
__name__ |
version |
last_error |
connect |
begin |
sleep |
disconnect |
start |
tihubException |
set |
about |
wait |
read |
isti |
get |
calibrate |
what |
send |
range |
who |
ti_rover |
ti_rover |
ti_rover |
__name__ |
color_blink |
_rv |
motor_right |
motor_left |
stay |
to_angle |
waypoint_heading |
waypoint_xythdrn |
to_xy |
_motor |
ranger_measurement |
red_measurment |
gyro_measutrment |
left |
rvmovement |
wait_until_done |
pathlist_cmdnum |
gray_measurment |
encoders_gyro_measurement |
waypoint_y |
_excpt |
pathlist_distance |
waypoint-x |
ti_hub |
position |
pathlist_y |
waypoint_prev |
blue_measurement |
pathlist_x |
pathlist_time |
forward |
right |
waypoint_revs |
waypoint_distance |
color_rgb |
to_polar |
grid_origin |
pathlist-revs |
waypoint_eta |
resume |
color_measurement |
color_off |
path_done |
tiroverException |
grid_m_unit |
disconnect_rv |
forward_time |
path_clear |
backward_time |
pathlist_heading |
green_measurement |
zero-gyro |
waypoint_time |
_rv_connected |
motors |
stop |
backward |